
Back at the Reindeer Corral

Before leaping on their reindeer for a competitive dash through the snow, Scout Elves make sure they are well rested, brushed and fed at the North Pole corral made of pretzel sticks.


  • 7¼-inch pretzel rods (16)
  • Glue gun
  • Candy Cane Cable from Scout Elves at Play® or colorful string 
  • Scissors
  • Elf Pets® Reindeer
  • Scout Elves at Play® Orna-Moments™ Rockin’ Reindeer with Candy Cane Cable


  1. Making the front of the fence: To make the fence posts for this Elf Pets® stable, your elf will cut down six pretzel rods to 6 inches in length. Your elf will lay two 6-inch rods vertically parallel to each other (5 inches apart). Then they will lay two uncut rods horizontally on the vertically placed rods (3 inches apart) to form a hashtag shape. Your elf will attach the rods by gluing them at the four connecting points to complete the hashtag shape and let them dry completely.
  2. Making the left sections (two) and right sections (two) of the fence: Your elf will set out three pretzel rods for each side section: one 6-inch rod and two rods in the original length. To make the first section, your elf will lay one 6-inch rod down (vertically) on the table. Next, your elf will lay two rods 3 inches apart (horizontally) on top of the vertically placed rod, forming a half hashtag shape. Your elf will glue the rods in place at the connecting points and let dry. Your elf will repeat this step three times to create the remaining side sections.
  3. Assembling the fence in a U shape: Your elf will gather all the fence sections and set them aside. Your elf will fully stand a half hashtag section to the left side of the completed hashtag shape. Your elf will place the open (horizontal) rods of the half hashtag shape under the already glued horizontal rods of the first completed hashtag shape, making sure they are angled enough to form a U-shape on completion of the corral. To connect the two sections, your elf will glue the rods at the connecting points and let them dry completely. To add a section to the right side of the completed hashtag shape, your elf will repeat this step.
  4. Almost finished! Your elf has only two half hashtag shapes to add. Your elf will place the open (horizontal) rods of an open hashtag shape under the already glued horizontal pretzel rods on the left section. Your elf will glue the rods together at the connecting points and let them dry completely. Your elf will repeat this step, attaching the final section on the right side of the Elf Pets® stable fence.
  5. Adding finishing touches: Once the fence has dried completely, your elf will grab Candy Cane Cable from the Scout Elves at Play® kit and cut it into 10 6-inch lengths. To make the fence festive, your elf will wrap one length of Candy Cane Cable around every connecting point of the fence. Finally, the pretzel fence is ready for use by Elf Pets® Reindeer and Scout Elves at Play® Orna-Moments™ Rockin’ Reindeer!

Safety Warnings!